
Spiritual Sharing Group

Some members and attendees of First Baptist are launching a new prayer/support group to meet on Wednesday nights at the church.  The group is called The Spiritual Sharing Group and we will be meeting once a week in the Gathering Space at 6:30PM, starting Wednesday, February 7th.

The format and tone will  be informal and fun but the gathering will normally be comprised of the following activities:

-We will often have some stimulating, spiritual discussions

-Every week, we will share our highs and lows for the week and our god-sightings

-We will share our joys, concerns and prayer requests during every meeting

-Then we will always conclude by praying for one another

The group is starting out with a core of about eight or nine people, but we would love to see this weekly gathering grow.  So, please pass the word on, and check us out.

Contact Rhiannon Tibbetts with questions.  Email:rhian.nah@live.com