
Adult Education

Adult Sunday school offers a rich and diverse array of classes for people of all walks of life and all stages of their faith journey.

Classes are offered on topics ranging from books of the Bible to Environmental stewardship to practices of prayer and meditation.

The Adult Education Committee uses the following criteria when selecting classes for the year to provide a variety of choices:

  1. Life and teachings of Christ
  2. Promotes inclusion/unity
  3. Nurtures faith
  4. Transforms lives
  5. Deepens relationships with God
  6. Classes that offer a balance of cognitive and contemplative ways of knowing God
  7. Social justice education
  8. Develop ministry opportunities.

It is the hope that with a variety of classes offered, all will be served.  All classes are open to all and you are welcome to some or all classes in a series.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, adult classes are now being held using the Zoom videoconferencing platform