About Us



Inclusivity means that we as a congregation strive to fully include all persons within our membership regardless of sex, sexual or gender identity, race or cultural heritage. We have a long history that has long included women in full positions of leadership and ministry. We try to remain alert to matters of institutional racism and cultural inclusivity. We have been described by others as one of Madison’s most inclusive congregations.


Soul Freedom rests at the heart and core of our Baptist heritage. It is the key to understanding all that we do. Soul freedom is the deep conviction that every person has the ability to enter into their own personal, direct and immediate relationship to God through Jesus Christ. Within this church, neither the pastors nor the denomination can tell you what you must believe as a Christian, how you must understand the Bible, or what it means for you to personally follow Jesus Christ. Nothing is allowed to oppress or intrude upon your personal following of Jesus Christ. Soul freedom also means that the congregation is self-governing. Although we are in a covenant relationship with other churches within our denomination, the denomination cannot direct the life and witness of this congregation. In all matters of faith and practice, it is finally this local congregation’s responsibility to follow Christ to the best of our own understanding.


As followers of Jesus Christ, we know ourselves called to care for the larger world through mission to others. This is at the heart of Jesus’ command to love others as we do ourselves. This core value can best be defined by the actions it inspires. Beyond our rich financial support of our denomination’s witness and worldwide mission, First Baptist’s mission has a long history of social advocacy on issues of race, poverty and social justice. We were, in many ways, the birth place of campus ministry, a strong commitment that continues today. We are active players in “The Crossing” a ministry to students on the UW Madison campus. We participate regularly in Madison’s homeless men’s shelter meal program and support Mt. Zion Baptist’s food pantry through monthly food donations. Our members are on the Board of Directors of the American Baptist Housing Ministry of Wisconsin, one of the largest providers of low-income housing in Wisconsin. Our mission has a rich international flavor as well. In cooperation with Madison Friends of International Students, we house a program providing English classes to as many as eighty students from twenty-six nations. In addition, individual members provide for the education (elementary through high school) of over ninety AIDS orphans in China.


We deeply believe that as followers of Jesus Christ, we are invited to follow him on a path of our own spiritual growth. Spiritual growth involves many areas of our personal life not limited to our growth in love of God, self and neighbor; discovering our God-given giftedness; discovering our own passion to serve Jesus Christ through our personal lives; finding our own kind of prayer-life; growing in our understanding of the Bible; learning about issues of justice and human suffering in our larger world.

LGBTQ+ Affirming

First Baptist Church is proud of its history as being one of the earliest Baptist churches in the country to openly declare itself, by an overwhelming congregational vote in 1994, welcoming and affirming of all persons without regard to sexual or gender identity.  This vital and heart-felt commitment continues to mean three things:

  • We welcome into full participation and membership all persons, regardless of sexual or gender identity, who seek to live in faithful relationship to Jesus Christ. 

  • Our congregation and its pastors advocate for the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons within our denomination and larger society.  Examples of this include our pastor’s testimony in legislative hearings at the Capitol in favor of gay marriage and our congregation’s history of hiring ministers and staff without regard to sexual or gender identity.

Our History

First Baptist Church has been a community for all people from its beginning, since eight men and twelve women met with delegates from other Wisconsin Baptist churches on December 23, 1847, and organized the Baptist Society of Wisconsin.

First Baptist shared leaders and buildings in service to God and community. Sharing our space started early. The first building on the square welcomed the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, which called it home from 1854 to 1867. UW classes met there too. University pastors supplied a Baptist voice on campus, thanks to Charles Galpin, who came to help his brother, pastor Frederick, with the large number of young people flocking to the church. In 1905 Charles took his dilemma to the Wisconsin Baptist Convention, and the idea of a University pastor was born. Charles Galpin was the first one anywhere. Within two years, other denominations adopted the idea, with Charles’s help. Today this has evolved into The Crossing, a shared student ministry housed in the former University Methodist Church building. Pastor Vernon Phillips helped Mt. Zion Baptist Church organize in 1911. From L.B. Moseley on, pastors have shared state and national Baptist work and ministry. Andy Davison expanded that to international ministries. First Baptist has provided space for other churches to worship, including Seventh Day Baptists. It has participated in local ecumenical ministry and community forums. It provides space for MFIS’s ESL program, where as many as 150 students from over 70 countries learn English from dedicated volunteer teachers.

The church welcomed Japanese members during World War II, supported conscientious objectors even as it sent sons and daughters to war, supported the civil rights movement, counseled students protesting the Vietnam War, worked for separation of church and state, embraced people of different races and backgrounds, grappled with issues of sexual identity, and assimilated diverse viewpoints. We are a Welcoming and Affirming church that welcomes all persons and diverse opinions. More important, by compassing diverse opinions, we open the way for growth in understanding and service. People have brought diverse talents, differing viewpoints, and great dedication into service to and through First Baptist.

Women’s participation has always been vital. January 28, 1880, saw significant additions of women to the organization of the church, including as delegates to the Baptist Association. When the second building burned after only a year’s occupancy, it was the women who vowed to go to work and do it all over again. And over the years, they have provided financial backing and assistance, often earning income by catering meals. Through American Baptist Women’s Ministries, they have supported missions foreign and domestic. A former member is the American Baptist missionary in China. Today women serve on all boards, including deacons. And Baptists have been ordaining women for pastoral ministry since the 1800s.

Youth programs have always been a major emphasis for First Baptist. The third church building, in 1902, included a gymnasium and swimming pool, great attractions for Madison youth. And youth activities have involved Sunday School classes, youth programs, youth month, a youth community center, mission trips, middle high Christmas plays, and children’s choirs. In the 1940’s, the junior department sent relief packages to Europe after WWII.

This church is an open, loving, and welcoming congregation. Come join us!

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Our Denominational Affiliations

Alliance of Baptists

American Baptist Churches USA

American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin

Theological Home. Pursuit of God’s Justice. Partnership in Mission. These three core values guide the Alliance of Baptists. Today, we are about 4,500 individual members and roughly 140 congregations knit together by love for one another and God, combining progressive inquiry, contemplative prayer and prophetic action to bring about justice and healing in a changing world. 

American Baptists are a Christ-centered, biblically grounded, ethnically diverse people called to radical personal discipleship in Christ Jesus. Our commitment to Jesus propels us to nurture authentic relationships with one another; build healthy churches; transform our communities, our nations and our world; engage every member in hands-on ministry; and speak the prophetic word in love.

American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin is a fellowship of persons, churches and organizations drawn together in the love of God as known in Jesus Christ. We affirm our diversity of culture, gender, and theological perspectives as gifts for ministry. We covenant to share the gospel of Christ, encourage each other in our faith, and share our resources in witness and mission.

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Meet Our Pastor


Rev. Tim Schaefer



Tim has served as pastor of First Baptist Church since November 2020. Prior to relocating to Wisconsin, he served as Minister to Youth at Royal Lane Baptist Church in Dallas, TX, where he was ordained in early 2019. Tim holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Boston University and a Master of Divinity degree, as well as, a degree certificate in Gender and Sexual Justice from Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University.


Tim and his husband, John Duncan, reside in Verona with their two rescue dogs, Dolce and Makea. In their free time, they enjoy baking, reading, and traveling together.