
2020 Adult Education by Zoom

Hourglass Bible Study   – Exodus

After reading the story of Joseph in the spring of 2020, our class decided that we really wanted to see how the story of Joseph led to the story of Exodus. Because Exodus is a long book and filled with traditions and stories central to two faiths, however, we are focusing on the story only through the receiving of the commandments. As we read these stories, we will focus first on looking carefully at the scriptures to see what they say to each of us today. But we will also consider the historical and cultural contexts in which they were first developed, relevant scholarship on the authorship and time when they were put in writing, and the various uses religions have made of these scriptures over time. Through open and tolerant conversation, we will not seek uniform answers but rather greater personal understanding of the scriptures and explore ways influences our personal faiths.

The structure of the one-hour class, as in the past, will begin with a discussion of the previous week’s readings and the group’s initial reading of the current week’s passage. That will be followed by period of quiet reflection, sharing of our reflections and questions, and a discussion of what we want to explore in the upcoming week. Then, in the following class, we will share what we learned.
Sundays, July 12 thru Aug. 30,  at 4:30 p.m. on Zoom.

Spiritual Renewal Group 1 – Confessions of Augustine

The Spiritual Renewal Group 1 has just finished reading/discussing Howard Thurman’s book “Jesus and the Disinherited.” Although written about three quarters of a century ago its content is very relevant to our life and society today.

We are now ready to embark on a new (and longer!) adventure! “Confessions” by Augustine. Note that there are numerous translations of this book but the one that Pastor Michael suggests is the translation by Sarah Ruden. The info about this book says… “In this intensely personal narrative, Augustine tells the story of his sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity. He describes his ascent from a humble farm in North Africa to a prestigious post in the Roman Imperial capital of Milan, his struggle against his own overpowering sexuality, his renunciation of secular ambition and marriage, and the recovery of the faith his mother had taught him during his earliest years. Augustine’s concerns are often strikingly contemporary, and the confessional mode he invented can be seen everywhere in writing today.”  Sounds interesting? We meet via ZOOM from 7:00 to 8:30 PM the first and third Mondays each month (and, yes, we are going to begin July 6 – most likely with just the introduction but perhaps getting into Book 1 (i.e. Chapter 1)). We would love to have you join us.  We usually have about 8 people but there is room for more to enrich our time together.

First and third Mondays at 7 p.m. on Zoom

Questions? Call or email Bill Hausler (hhausler@tds.net, 608-231-2890).

Spiritual Renewal Group 2

We pick a spiritual book and discuss it.  Our goal is to grow in our spiritual journey, so we only pick books that help us to grow.  We have become a support group as well.  We endeavor to not tell what each other says to the general public and no one is wrong.  We don’t try and convince each other that we are right.  Also, we do not discuss church business when we meet.  We get along very well because of the policy of the group.

Second and fourth Tuesdays at 4 p.m. on Zoom

Wednesday Bible Study Group

This group is co-led by Rev. Bob Martens (retired ABC pastor) and Rev. Michael Newheart. (Rev. Martens leads one Wednesday, and Rev. Michael leads the other.) We focus on the lectionary texts for the following Sunday.

Wednesdays from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Zoom.